July 15, 2009

A "Get Well Soon" Package!

June -4 - 09, i went to the hospital to get my chest x-ray done.
and turns out i'm coming down with something, and it is something bad. Disappointed of course. But when i got home, i receive a package. I make t-shirt designs for bands so i'm not sure from whom it was. Turns out...

a box package ( which i rarely get )

check out the logo/picture!

PULLING TEETH "Paranoid Delusions/Paradise Illusions"

includes poster, red marble vinyl, cover that is changeable.

Other Stuff!

PT Zip Up Hoodie
PT "Bloodwolves" long sleeve
PT "Mummy" t-shirt (this is one of my design)
PT "Medusa"


although i'm still sick though but remembering this moments just cheers me up. Mad Mad Props for LD. yeah! now i know your real name.



Najib Humphrey said...

wow man!
how r you??
hope it's not deadly. im worried.
get well soon dude.
and hope to see you soon.


Deprived of Life said...

Nah i'm okay. well it is deadly but treatable. atleast for now i'm still alive...hahaha

DEADBEAT said...

sent back my item dude. ahahha. i kill you when i in jakarta. hahha.

Jan said...

lucky lucky ;)

United Blood Webzine said...

fuck you lucky bastard !

United Blood Webzine said...

damn,you lucky bastard :D

IndraXChino said...

dude that is the most gnarly thing ive ever seen. soo much pulling teeth stuff. i envy you bitch hehehehehe. anyways, get well soon man, FA's not the same without you.

Mohd Azar said...
